China White - Tea Drink - Christchurch

I have been blogging a bit about tea based drinks lately.

Apparently "China White" was one of the first produced.

"CHINA WHITE is an exclusive brand of organic white tea (bai mu dan) - a rare and highly prized tea from the tea plant Camellia sinensis. Buds are hand picked just a few times a year in the Fujian province of China."

I am not sure exactly - but I think she pitched on New Zealand's Dragon Den - basically her pitch went down well - but the supposed Dragon did not fork out any $$$ so she did it all herself.

I think she is based in Christchurch.


Jasmine Pat said…
How exciting to be searching 'ice tea NZ' on twitter when I discovered your New Zealand Food Blog and Directory! (This is actually my very first time blogging - how timely!). I happen to be the MD of China White and yes you are far as I am aware, China White Ltd is the first company to produce bottled organic ice tea in New Zealand. Yes, I am based in Christchurch and launched China White on New Zealand's Dragons Den. Thank you for mentioning my Company!
Tea is becoming almost as popular in the west as it has been for centuries in the east. Chinese white tea, green tea, black tea and oolong are all widely.
Anonymous said…
Hi there, yes I agree with your comment judging by the number of teahouses that have been popping up and also the greater selection of teas now on offer at specialty gourmet food stores, delis, cafes, restaurants and supermarkets. It is really encouraging to see a tea culture evolving!