Heilala Vanilla - Tauranga

How often do you go into the pantry (particularly when you are staying/dossing/bludging) at someone else's house - looking for some vanilla essence for a vanilla milkshake - and there it is - the famous - artificial vanilla.

Its like - hey man - what happened to the 'real' vanilla.

Well - the real Vanilla is here!

Apparently the project began as an aid project in Tonga (John Ross) - becoming a successful business.

An interesting product with an interesting story.

Anyway - now I have real Vanilla - for my obligatory 'hangover' cure milkshake.


Jennifer Boggiss

P O Box 16-078


Tauranga, New Zealand

+64 7 552 5905 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +64 7 552 5905      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

+64 274 799 089

