Weka Cider VS Montheiths Cider VS Rochdale Cider

We'll I've been trying out a few Cider's these days - apparently they are bursting with antioxidants - and are actually good for you. Hmmm but perhaps it is actually the apple cider vinegar that is good for you - not the alcoholic beverage? - VERY HARD TO TELL after a few bottles.

We'll now I have sampled three little stunners - and I can tell you that all of them are nothing like the cheap stuff I used to drink as a student. In those dark distant days - cider was added to beer - with a dash of raspberry cordial(fake and bright red of coarse) - and called a snakebite. A night of snakebites = worst hangover ever!

Fast forward to today - cider is now the fastest growing alcohol category in New Zealand - and yeh it tastes really good - dry and fruity as opposed to insipid and sickly.

We'll I focused in on three ciders as of late:

  • Rochdale Cider - Nelson
  • Weka Apple Cider - Marlborough
  • Monteiths - Crushed Apple Cider - West Coast/Auckland/hard to tell these days

All three are excellent - but the Montheiths is still a little sickly sweet for me - so the Rochdale and the Weka are the finalists!

The Weka (which is a blend of pear and granny smith) - it light - easy to drink - and delightful it is fair to say. It also comes in a super cool 4 pack box - which is an artwork in itself. It really makes me wonder at the margins these guys are making - i.e. the cost of the bottles, cost of label, cost of 4 pack box, cost of ingredients, cost of transport, the supermarket cut etc... etc...

However, the winner has to be the Rochdale - it is dry - and has a real autumn taste - you can almost sense the harvest - golden leaves - delicious and juicy red apples.

So ends the cider challenge!
