Sauce gribiche

For some reason I noticed that a visitor to NZ Food Heroes had searched for "Sauce Gribiche"

Sauce gribiche
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 gm gherkins, finely chopped
  • 50 gm capers, finely chopped
  • 80 ml mayonnaise
  • 30 gm chervil, finely chopped
  • 30 gm tarragon, finely chopped 

Basically the method is to hard boil the eggs (remove the yolk) - chop - and mix with the ingredients above - sort of a sticky yet delicious mayonnaise.

This would go a treat with Tuatua Fritters (I have seen it mentioned that sauce gribiche could be used as a  side for whitebait fritters - but please please do not do this - whitebait is way too delicate - just black pepper and a squeeze of lemon ok!!!).

The full recipe is here:

King George Whiting is a fantastic fish found in Australia by the way.
