New Zealand Natural - Ice Cream

This is a real success story.

Take our clean green "New Zealand" name - add to that the word "Natural" - and too top it off make an excellent ice cream product - from New Zealand's second most famous ingredient "Dairy". I guess lamb is first - right?

It is an interesting and typically entrepreneurial story. New Zealand Natural began as a small shop in Christchurch in 1984 - making ice cream with no artificial flavours or colours. In 2005  New Zealand Natural was purchased by New Zealand Based Emerald Food/Diane Foreman.

Using a franchise model - the ice cream is now served in 700 branded stores in 22 countries.

Now that is what I call a big success!

I really like it when Kiwi's - make a value added product (not just containers of powder) - create a brand and take on the world.

Diane Foreman won the 'Entrepreneur Of The Year', at the prestigious Ernst and Young awards in Auckland 2009

I get the feeling she is a force of nature!

Ps: these dairy fed Kiwi beef boys are way to big for that car!
